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Letters to the Editor: Another reminder of how awful Trump was during the pandemic

To the editor: No single event demonstrated former President Trump’s leadership ability better than the pandemic. I remember people feeling isolated and scared as doctors and hospitals were initially without gowns, masks and other essential items. People, especially the elderly, were dying first by the hundreds, then by the thousands. (“Trump spoke to Putin as many as 7 times since leaving office, Bob Woodward reports in new book,” Oct. 8)
For months it was chaotic until businesses and Dr. Anthony Fauci of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases started setting guidelines to fill the void created by Trump’s inaction. Fortunately, Trump did not stand in their way, but he seemed utterly helpless.
More than 1 million Americans have died from COVID-19, the most documented by any country.
So let’s pause when we think of turning our government back over to a leader who acted so selfishly and ineptly during a crisis. It is hard to feel anything other than anger now that we know Trump actually sent COVID-19 tests to Russian leader Vladimir Putin before they were easily available to Americans.
I am sure that those who lost loved ones, especially during the early months of the pandemic, must be angry.
Lynn Lorenz, Newport Beach
To the editor: My comment is not specifically about whether or not Trump spoke with Putin or what was said. I was appalled at the comments made by Steven Cheung, Trump’s communications director, who responded to journalist Bob Woodward’s book with name calling and insults.
Cheung called Woodward a “sleazebag,” demented, incompetent and boring, and said his book should be used for toilet paper. This is the kind of rebuttal we hear from Trump’s camp — they have no facts and stoop to trash talking and insults.
This schoolyard name calling does not belong in a civilized political arena.
Eileen Martin, North Hollywood
To the editor: No worries. These calls reported by Woodward were probably Putin just asking Trump for more secret documents or additional details regarding documents already given to him.
Let’s move on. Focus on the future.
Dan O’Connell, Santa Clarita
